Wednesday, January 28, 2015


PPD Skin Test
Tuberculosis is a serious infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. this bacterium infects the lungs.Tuberculosis is transmitted through TB contaminated air. Vaccination, one of the preventions of tuberculosis is very important.

The tuberculin or PPD test determines whether an individual's immune system is strong against the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. Skin tests are read 48-72 hours after the injection of the vaccine. The presence or absence of a swelling bases the reading of the test. I found out that when an individual PPD skin test gives a positive result, it does not mean that the individual has tuberculosis. A blood test as long as an X-Ray would be needed to check for the presence of M. tuberculosis.

A positive PPD test could mean that the individual has been exposed to M. tuberculosis. the bacterium is laying dormant in the individual's body. Statistics shows that about 10% of individuals with dormant TB would develop the infection.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Journal #1

1. Acid dyes: Dyes that are anionic or have negatively charged groups such as carboxyls.

2.  Acquired immune tolerance: The ability to produce antibodies against nonself antigens while "tolerating" (not producing antibodies against) self-antigens.

3. Alkalophile: A microorganism that grows best at pHs from about 8.5 to 11.5.

4. Feedback inhibition: A negative feedback mechanism in which a pathway end product inhibits the activity of an enzyme in the sequence leading to its formation; when the end product accumulates in excess, it inhibits its own synthesis.

5. Anaerobe: An organism that grows in the absence of free oxygen.

6. Extrinsic factor : An environmental factor such as temperature that influences microbial growth in food.
7. Antibiotic: A microbial product or its derivative that kills susceptible microorganisms or inhibits their growth.
8. Allergen: A substance capable of inducing allergy or specific susceptibility.

9. Budding: A vegetative outgrowth of yeast and some bacteria as a means of asexual reproduction; the daughter cell is smaller than the parent.

10.Chemoreceptors  :  a sensory cell or organ responsive to chemical stimuli.


Prescott, Lansing M., Donald A. Klein, and John P. Harley. "Glossary A-F." Online Learning Center. McGraw Hill, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. <>.